About Us

Accmar Equipment Company manufactures the finest in quality power pedestals and lights, dock equipment & dock accessories for the marine industry.

Acerca de nosotros

Accmar Equipment Company fabrica la mejor calidad de columnas de distribución eléctrica y accesorios, para la industria marina en el estado de Florida.

In 2012, we outgrew our current space and moved to a larger home! We remain based in Miami, Florida and still poised to assist you with your dock accessory needs!

Accmar Equipment Company manufactures the finest in quality power pedestals and lights, dock equipment & dock accessories for the marine industry. Many of our products are made to order in our Miami, Florida warehouse to ensure the highest quality and attention to detail.

Motivated by entrepreneurship, a quest for perfection and a zest for innovation, I founded Accmar Equipment Company with the desire to manufacture and distribute the finest in quality power pedestals and dock accessories for the marine industry. Accmar Equipment Company prides itself on developing long term relationships with our customers while delivering quality products at competitive prices.


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  • The fenders are in place on my mooring. They are an excellent solution to my problem and superb protection. I
    Brian Russell, Marina Member Port de San Peire, France 2012
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